The Ultimate Automobile Manufacturing Guide

The Ultimate Automobile Manufacturing Guide

Care For Your Engineered Wood Floors The Right Way

by Carlos Sullivan

Engineered wood from a place like Hillside Lumber is an excellent choice for making flooring. Engineered wood is more cost-friendly, more durable, and just as attractive as real wood. However, there are certain care elements that you must take into account before installing this if you opt to use it as a floor option; here are some of them.

Sweep First

Always sweep the floor before you mop or scrub the floor. Dirt, food particles, and any other tiny hard objects turn into mini-abrasives during the mopping process. These particles can, in turn, scratch the surface of the engineered wood and leave behind imperfections in the floor that may be impossible to correct without a complete replacement of the floorboard. Sweeping before mopping removes any particles to prevent this type of damage from occurring. To make the clean-up process easier, you should consider sweeping at least once per day.

Use Floor Guards

Insert floor guards under any heavy furniture or plants that you place over the engineered wood floor. Engineered wood is sturdy and durable; however, a heavy piece of furniture is enough to leave a small indent in the floor. Floor guards absorb some of the pressure from the weight of the furniture so that these marks are not left behind. Make sure the floor guards you place under the flower pots are absorbent to keep the extra moisture away from the flooring. 

Choose the Right Products

You should not try to clean your engineered wood floors with the same products you use to clean other surfaces in your home. You need to stick with cleaning agents designed for the material. For instance, you don't want to use cleaning agents that contain ammonia since this material can strip the floor of its natural shine. You should also avoid using steam-based cleaning tools since they can trap moisture inside the engineered wood. 

Monitor Humidity Levels

Ensure the humidity levels inside your home are maintained at a safe range. Engineered wood may be more moisture resistant than traditional wood, but the material still does have its limitations. Too much humidity in the air causes condensation to settle around the underlayers of the floor, which can cause the floorboards to buckle. Too little humidity in the air can cause the wood to dry out, which can also lead to warping and cracking. Either instance will shorten the lifespan of the floor. 

You can transform the look of your home with engineered wood. Once you have the care instructions in hand, you're ready for installation.


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The Ultimate Automobile Manufacturing Guide

My name is Ross Harper and I've always been interested in automobile manufacturing. I think it's amazing how cars and trucks are made and I've actually learned about this process by doing research about automobile manufacturing companies. You'll learn a ton of information in my blog, such as the history of automobile manufacturing and how these industries help the economy. You'll also learn about the assembly of automobiles, which includes stamping, welding, painting and the inspection of the new vehicles. In addition, you'll find out how automobile manufacturers place the interior components inside the vehicles. After reading my blog, you'll understand what it takes to manufacture a vehicle and how important this process is to everyone.